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Lonati, G.L., Hynes, N., Howe, K., Durette-Morin, D., Brown, M. and Davies, K.T.A. (2022). Observations of adult-calf nonreproductive copulatory behavior in North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis). Aquatic Mammals 48(6): 639-645. DOI:


Lonati, G.L., Zitterbart, D.P., Miller, C.A., Corkeron, P., Murphy, C.T. and Moore, M.J. (2022). Investigating thermal physiology in large whales via aerial infrared thermography. Endangered Species Research, 48: 139-154. DOI:


Lonati, G.L., Howell, A.R., Schueller, P. and Deutsch, C. (2021). Using tetracycline to validate age estimation in a long-lived aquatic mammal. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 45(2): 340-350.  DOI:


Bassett, B.L., Leone, E., Hostetler, J.A., Barbeau, B.D., Lonati, G.L., Panike, A.L., Honaker, A. and Ward-Geiger, L. (2020). Quantifying sublethal Florida manatee-watercraft interactions by examining scars on manatee carcasses. Endangered Species Research, 43: 395-408.  DOI:


Lonati, G.L., Howell, A.R., de Wit, M., Hostetler, J., Schueller, P., Bassett, B.L., Deutsch, C. and Ward-Geiger, L. (2019). Accuracy, precision, and error in age estimation of Florida manatees using growth layer groups in earbones. Journal of Mammalogy, 100(4): 1350-1363.  DOI:


Lonati, G.L., Singleton, E.M., Phelps, C.E., Koopman, H.N. and Pabst, D.A. (2019). The density of odontocete integument depends on blubber lipid composition and temperature. Marine Mammal Science, 35(2): 595-616.  DOI:


Lonati, G.L., Westgate, A.J., Pabst, D.A. and Koopman, H.N. (2015). Nitrogen solubility in odontocete blubber and mandibular fats in relation to lipid composition. Journal of Experimental Biology, 218(16): 2620-2630.  DOI:


Conference & Workshop Presentations

North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium – 2022 Annual Meeting, New Bedford, MA, USA

Video Presentation: “Drone-based measurements of blowhole temperatures of North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) and humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae)”


Society of Marine Mammalogy – 2022 Biennial Meeting, hybrid (attended virtually)

Video Presentation: “Blowhole temperature as a health metric for free-swimming large whales”

Award: Best Student Regional Award


The Wildlife Society – 2021 Annual Conference – Drone Applications for Wildlife Research, Management, and Conservation Symposium, virtual

Video Presentation: “Drone-based infrared thermography to study the health of large whales”


North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium – 2021 Annual Meeting, virtual

Video Presentation: “Observations of adult-calf non-reproductive copulatory behavior in North Atlantic right whales”


North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium – 2020 Annual Meeting, virtual

Video Presentation: “New methodology for using remotely piloted aircraft systems to measure body temperature of large whales, especially North Atlantic right whales”


Society of Marine Mammalogy – 2019 Biennial Meeting, Barcelona, Spain

Oral Presentation: “Investigating growth layer group deposition in the earbones of old Florida manatees via tetracycline marking”


Atlantic Regional Comparative Physiology Workshop – 2019 Annual Meeting, St. Andrews, NB, Canada

Oral Presentation: “The benefits of being fat: Some studies of lipid physiology in marine mammals”


Wildlife and Invasive Species Education Workshop – 2018 Annual Meeting, Bushnell, FL, USA

Invited Oral Presentation: “Florida manatee biology and FWC research”


Society of Marine Mammalogy – 2017 Biennial Meeting, Halifax, NS, Canada

Oral Presentation: “Accuracy, precision, and bias of Florida manatee aging using growth layer groups in earbones”


Society of Marine Mammalogy – 2015 Biennial Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA

Poster: “Blubber density depends on lipid composition and temperature in three deep-diving odontocetes”


Fifth Florida Marine Mammal Health Conference – 2015 Biennial Meeting, Gainesville, FL, USA

Poster: “Anatomical and ecological patterns in carcass fat depots could provide insight into Florida manatee health”


Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium (SEAMAMMS) – 2014 Annual Meeting, Wilmington, NC, USA

Oral Presentation: “Differences in lipid composition may influence barotrauma risk in odontocete mandibular fats”

Award: Best Masters Student Oral Presentation


Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology – 2014 Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, USA

Oral Presentation: “Nitrogen solubility related to lipid composition in toothed whale fats”

Award: Best Student Oral Presentation in the Division of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, honoring Dr. Jeffery B. Graham


Society of Marine Mammalogy – 2013 Biennial Meeting, Dunedin, New Zealand

Poster: “Variation in lipid chemistry of odontocete acoustic fats may affect gas loading during dives”


Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology – 2012 Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC, USA

Poster: “Externally visible polyfluorochrome marking of urchins: growth comparisons between lab-reared and tidepool urchins”


Contact Information

University of New Brunswick Saint John

Department of Biological Sciences

100 Tucker Park Road

Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada E2K 5E2

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